The Trophy Bassmasters held their 14th
and final club tournament of the season last Sunday at
Indian Lake. Even though the temperatures started out
cold and actually got colder during the day with cloudy
skies and occasional misty showers there were 3 anglers
with multiple fish catches. The tournament decided the
Angler of the Year point race for 2012. Narrowly
overtaking the lead with his fifth 2nd place
finish of the year was John Clark. Clark brought in 4
bass that weighed 7.84lbs to finish the event in 2nd
place which propelled him into the point lead by 3
points over Don Ratcliff. Don Kraft pulled the only 5
fish limit from the lake that weighed an impressive
9.01lbs to take 1st place for the day. Kraft
also had the big bass with a 2.86lb lunker. Boyd Downey
rounded out the top 3 with 3 bass and 5.16lbs. There
were only 16 bass caught by the 13 anglers for a total
weight of 26.86lbs. All were released alive. The club
has just the year end classic still to go in 2 weeks but
that tournament does not count toward AOY points so
Clark was declared the 2012 champion.